Oh my, it's been awhile and I have been so busy, it's been insane, (in a good way.) So I thought I'd give you a re-cap of what I've seen, done, and important things that happened since the last time I posted.
Camp did finally come and I had an amazing time.
That is my awesome friend Whitney, our cool camp counselor in the back, and me doing Chris August's Candy Rap on talent night in front of 250 people. It was scary, but fun.
I painted a garage.
All the kids at my church got together and painted the garage of a really cool guy
named Ron, who wasn't able to do it himself.
Got really sunburned. Twice!
I probably have one of the coolest moms ever. We were on our way home from a weekend in Des Moines, when we passed a sign for Adventureland and Mom said, "Hey, want to go?" I thought she was completely kidding, so I was like, "Yeah, let's do it!" We actually went, but since we didn't bring any sun block and I was wearing a tank top, well, let's just say Bob the Tomato and I could have been twins. The other time was while painting Ron's garage:)
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I went to College for Kids
And learned the art of mime.
I went to the State Fair
That was some good ice cream...... Yum!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two came out
The gang and I went to see the midnight premiere. It was amazing!
School started.
Ahhhh... I'm in high school now. When on earth did this happen!
The sixth season of Doctor Who came out.
And I watched every episode.
I read a lot,
but that's a given.
I was in a play.
It was a one act play for a festival and I played a boss of a talent agency. It was so much fun, but my character had to where a short black wig and glasses so I ended up looking like Edna, from The Incredibles.
We could have been triplets....don't forget about Bob.
Went to Break Away.
It was an awesome youth rally event thingy and we stayed at the Embassy Suites.
(Ooooo Aaaaaa.)
We had a fancy dinner in the ball room and awards were given out for the
contests earlier in the day.
My skit team won first place (no one els entered for that competition,) but still, it was fun. We did a Bible version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
Since I was the only girl, I had to be Jezebel. UGH!
(Fun Fact: That's my older brother, Jonathan, in the middle, wearing the brown shirt.)
pick by Megan
I saw four graduation robes in Goodwill and I was like, (Oh my goodness we can go as Harry Potter characters,) but when we went trick-er-treating, everybody thought that we were a choir and we didn't really want to argue with the nice people giving us candy:)
This Thanksgiving I had an amazing experience. My Dad had to work and we weren't going to have our Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday. So, my mom and I went to our local senior center and I met some amazing people that I would have never gotten to meet otherwise.
Watched an entire season of Doctor Who in one night with my friend Nicole
Black Friday
I went Black Friday shopping with the gang, and it was the definition of insane.
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Christmas Carols
So, I have this weird quirk where I refuse to listen to any shape or form of Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. It so happens that it was 12:30 and I was in line at Walmart singing Jingle Bells while getting weird looks from bystanders,
as my friends slowly shuffled away from me. hehehe.
First Snow
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Where I live it usually snows in November, but this year Jack Frost decided to wait until December, but let me tell you it was worth the wait.
What were some of the most exiting things you did this last summer and fall?
p.s. This lovely new blog design was done by my good friend Meagan from Megan Kristine Designs. Thank you, Megan, for putting up with me, even when I wanted a different shade of white:)