
The Beauty and the Beast in You.

And I'm not talking about the Disney movie no mater how often I watch it.

The Beast in You.
Every person has a Beast in them or more commonly known as Sin.  Sin is the most awful thing in the entire world, because nothing good can come from it.  Sin starts with a thought, then a desire, then a will; after that you end up doing the very thing that was only just a little thought.  The only possible thing that could ever stop your sinful will is Beauty.  We are born sinful, but yet God made each and every one of us individual and special, therefore making us beautiful.  Now, I'm not talking about a cartoon with a little demon on one side and an angel on the other, because in truth, Beauty and Sin are not equal.  Beauty is much more powerful then Sin.  Sin wants us to believe that we are so weak and helpless only he can make us better.  We give ourselves up to Sin and let it control us until we ignore Beauty completely.  It makes us so miserable that we give into Sin more and more until it consumes us.  Pretty sucky, right.

The Beauty in You
Beauty is such a beautiful thing.  That's the only way to describe it, because Beauty will never leave you or give up on you until your last waking breath.  Wow!  Talk about committed.  It takes so much Sin to corrupt a person, but only the littlest amount of Beauty to wipe your slate clean.  The beast is sin or the devil and he will try anything and everything to control you.  Beauty is the Holy Spirit.  Most people think that giving your heart to God ties you down, but really it makes you free, free from Sin, and I'd hate to say this, but it's the truth, free from an eternity in hell.  Now I'm not trying to push my religion on you.  You could have stopped reading this anytime you wanted to and I'm definitely not trying to scare you into believing in God.  I simply think people who have never been given the chance to hear about Beauty because of Sin should have that chance.  Or, if you have been struggling in your relationship with God there's some insight.  If you have any questions about God or need someone to pray for you e-mail me at livinglifebold@gmail.com

Now, I'm not saying that your life is going to be a walk in the park, but what I am saying is that there's is a Jesus shaped hole in your heart and it will never be complete with out Him.

If you would like to know how to become a Christian all it takes is one prayer like this:

Dear God, I am sorry for my sins.  I believe You where born of a virgin and died on the cross then rose again on the third day.  I accept You in my life and want You to know my heart.  In Jesus Christ name, I pray.  Amen.



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