

3.  Dobby dint mean to kill just maim or seriously injure.  (I love Dobby!)

2.  "Was it fatal?"  "Yes."  "How fatal?"  "Ummm completely."  "I want to speak to him."  "You can't."  "Why not?"  "He's dead."  "Oh."


1.  J.K. Rowling proved that some young adult books can be over 500 pages.  Stephenie Meyer proved that some shouldn't be.

Sorry twilight fans but it's the opinionated truth.  (That's very contradicting.)

  ( Wow he really REALLY needs a tan!)
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Mr. Timn in CANDYLAND.

First off I'm just going to say that you have to have the right type of humour for this video you'll either think that it's the funniest thing ever or "Wow I can't believe this creepy girl on the Internet posted this equally creepy video."  But even if you don't think it's funny (No Worries) That doesn't mean you're a wet blanket it just means that you don't laugh at the same weird things I do.  Ok to the video! 


Mr. Timn in CANDYLAND.
from:  JulianSmith.tv

Thanks for wasting your precious time watching this hilarious, yet pointless video.  Don't go changing (I don't really know what that means I just heard it on a movie.)  See ya.


Wow Da Midg!

Oh My Goodness a.k.a. OMG (to people who have figured out that you can, in fact, abbreviate words when you text) I totally blanked out on the "Book Of The Month" thing (you're all probably thinking "Wow Da Midg"!)  So to make it up to you I will show you this picture of an adorable baby owl.

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Ok.  I guess that doesn't quite cut it (but hay you got to admit that is one cute owl) so this is what I have decided to do.  After much deep thought and consideration I have come to the conclusion that I shall not start doing the "Book Of The Month" until America's children are set FREE!  In other words I'm not going to start until school gets out because I have a whole bunch of tests coming up and I don't really fancy flunking school.  So I will have an announcement when my school gets out so you'll know when it starts.

Oh and B.T.W.  Marissa from "Outside the Lines" and Megan from "Me {that's all I have to be}" and I from the blog  that you are currently reading are going to be doing another Vlog, so comment your questions.  Please.  Pretty please.  Pretty please with ice cream on top (unless you're lactose intolerant) then you may say with ummmmm pie on top?  No.  Doesn't work as well.  

Stay out of trouble with the police (or any other law enforcement agencies.)



Dear God I'm kinda VERY ready for Summer.

Right now I want to support global warming (like buy a few hairspray cans, go to the park and whaalaah, it's 5 degrees warmer.)  Ok it doesn't work like that and God wants us to be good stewards of the earth, but I want to wear shorts (but not short shorts :) in April.  Is that too much to ask?  And don't even get me started on the School work.  I mean this is the time of year when you just get exhausted from all the school.  

So when you get the "Summer is so close, but yet so far" blues think of the....

Polar Bears (That's right.  I went there.)

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Getting good grades and not failing school which will eventually lead to becoming a hobo.  (This is serious stuff people!)

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I hope you have learned three VERY important things from this post first: Global warming is a hoax, second: The school year needs to be shorter, and third: That baby polar bears are freakishly CUTE.

By you Internet users.


Because I love my friends... I hack their accounts.

Hi there, It's Megan here from Me. {That's all I have to be}. I've just hacked Midgy's account to give her a new design.

 Don't forget to let her know how awesome she is, and don't forget to add the new button (found under 'share the love' on sidebar):


ta-ta for now,


Help stop the short shorts epidemic!

So, I have a hard time finding shorts.  Does anybody else, or is it just me?  Because in today's society girls' shorts look more like undies:
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I mean look at that! (My butt feels tight from just looking at it.)  Now I'm not saying that people who wear these kinds of shorts are bad; it's just that stores need to sell pants that don't double as a speedo. (Ok that was an overstatement, but hey!  Did it make you laugh?)  And the worst part is, it gets harder the older you get.  I mean you could wear short shorts when you were like 9, but by the age of 12 they just start to look ridiculous.  But wait!  There is hope, my friends (and those of you who have no idea who I am and think I'm a total weirdo, but hay! I'm ok with that.)  I call it sneeking into the boys' section to get these:

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Now, bear with me here.  These shorts are just the right length and are really comfortable, and surprisingly, look really good with t-shirts. (Although, you don't have to get them in bright orange.) But make sure you get a small size 'cause you don't want your pants falling down. (Well, at least I hope you don't 'cause that would be really weird!) So, spread this message, and together we can stop the short shorts epidemic.  (Your butt will thank you.) 

Shh! This is Megan from Me. {that's all I have to be}. I just hacked midgy's account and made her this button. Share and post to help stop short shorts! ;)
love ya midg, you're awesome! -Meggie




Well al be, cry me a river.

First I would just like to say SPOILER ALERT!  If you have not seen any of these movies I'm going to talk about or read the books please do not, I repeat, do not read what is under the picture of the movie and or book because I am most likely to give something important away for two reasons.  Reason number 1. I'm a blabber mouth and accidentally give stuff away 2. It will be a lot funnier if I tell you the back story. 

Ok, this is the actual post :)  I don't cry in real life.  I know that's weird, but I don't and if I do, it's on extremely EXTREMELY rare occasions.  But what makes this even weirder,  I cry when I watch sad movies that most people don't cry during.  So I am doing this post in honor of my friend Kaylee, (may she rest in peace.  Just kidding!  She's not dead) with whom I have been friends with since I was 9 and who had never seen me cry till this year! (when we watched the last episode of Robin Hood Season 2) and who had really wanted to see me cry, because frankly, I don't seem like the kinda person who cries.  Any who these are some of the books and movies I've cried during. (Some of them are really lame!)

Star Wars Episode Three
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What I want to know is, how is this not sad?  I mean he loved her so much that he would do anything to make sure she wouldn't die, (even go to the dark side) but trying to save her is the thing that kills her. Now that's just plain sad.

A Walk to Remember
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Surprisingly, I didn't start crying till after Landon went to his father-in-law's house four years later, but after that I bawled.

Peter Pan
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Ok, now I know what your thinking, but this is the version with real people, and excuse me, if I find it sad that he doesn't want to grow up and eventually marry Wendy.

The Notebook
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I'm pretty sure anybody who has seen this movie cried at some point during it.  Me, I started crying when she moved away, and then just started and stopped at random times until the end.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
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Ok, so I don't know if this is the official dvd cover, but hey, it still looks cool.  Anyhoo, I started crying when Bellatrix carved "modblod" in Hermione's arm because I have read the books and I knew what was coming, and to make it even worse, Marissa was sitting right next to me (and was holding my hand the whole time) and then she started crying.

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It's so sad when he comes back and sees her grave.  It's just sad.

Marley and Me
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Ok,  so I felt stupid crying during this movie and I just kept telling myself it's just a dog, but when I walked out of the movie theater, almost every girl's mascara was messed up, so that made me feel a lot better.

the rescuers
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Ok, now that you're all done laughing at me, in my defense, I was about three, (it was the first movie I ever cried during) and excuse me, if I felt bad for a little lost mouse.

Ever After
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OMG!  The step-mother in that movie really got on my nerves, especially at the ball, but it's all good, because of the happy ending.

The Christmas Shoes
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He was just a little boy and all he wanted for Christmas was a pair of shoes for his mom so she would look pretty in heaven.  Now how sweet is that (when I saw this movie I used up a whole box of Kleenexes).

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Now, I love this movie, everything about it.  The story, plot, the comedy, and especially the characters, so when I thought Flynn or Eugene was dead I lost it, but was so happy at the ending.

The Titanic
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She finally found someone who made her happy and then he just had to go and die. (that's when i started crying).

TV Shows

MERLIN: The Lady of the Lake Episode
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I think I started crying when he found her in the hiding place after she had been stabbed.  It's so sad. That's all I can say to describe it.

Robin Hood: Last Episode of Season 2
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Robin and Marian make such a cute couple and he FINALLY  proposed to her, then Sir Guy just has to go and kill her.  I was so shocked when it happened I had to stop the episode and wait till the next day when Whitney came over and watch the rest of it with her.

Robin Hood: Last Episode of Season 3
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I was sad for several reasons.  First of all, ROBIN DIES!  Second, ROBIN DIES!  And third, ROBIN DIES!  (Ok, that might have been slightly over exaggerated) but one of my favorite shows was coming to an end and when Marian came back I there came the water works.


The Lost Hero
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Ok, I know it had a happy ending but the reason I cried is because after all they went through in the Percy Jackson books Percy most likely doesn't remember any of it (and it took him long enough the first time to realize that him and Annabeth liked each other!)

Ink Spell
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You see, Dustfingers is my favorite character and ti just could't hold it together when he sacrificed himself for Farid.

This is a formal announcement, WHITNEY JEAN HERSHBERGER!  Yeah, that's right, I used your middle name.  Don't you dare read the following until you have either read the books and/or seen the movies, because I know for a fact that at the present time you have done neither.  (love you in a none romantic way) Ow! And the same goes for you to Marissa Kayann Madison and Kaylee Ann Hersherger.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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This is honestly the most well written ending to a book I have ever read.  Somehow JK Rowling did it without it being a Hollywood ending, and without making everyone die, yet still leaving no loose ends.  Now I cried during the part when Harry finds out that he is the last horacox and walking into the forest to let Voldemort kill him so that there will be peace.

Wow! I have now just realized how long this post is and how you guys probably all think I'm a cry baby now.  Oh well.  But the weirdest thing about all of this is that as soon as the movie is over I'm fine and I even laugh at myself.

 Love you guys and girls and other beings with poseable thumbs who are able to use a mouse and keyboard.